
the possibility of an island

formats: [EPUB]

author sort: Michel Houellebecq

authors: [Michel Houellebecq]

date: 2017 Jul 20

IDs: amazon isbn google

languages: eng

published: 2006 Jul

publisher: Phoenix

rating: 4

tags: Fiction Literary

The Possibility of an Island


Who, among you, deserves eternal life?Daniel is a highly successful stand-up comedian who has made a career out of playing outrageously on the prejudices of his public. But at the beginning of the twenty-first century, he has begun to detest laughter in particular and mankind in general. Despite this, Daniel is unable to stop himself believing in the possibility of love.A thousand years on, war, drought and earthquakes have decimated the earth and Daniel24 lives alone in a secure compound - his only companion, a cloned dog named Fox. Outside, the remnants of the human race roam in packs, while Daniel24 attempts to decipher his predecessor's history. In a nightmarish vision of the implosion of the modern world, he, like his predecessor attempts to fathom the meaning of love, sex, suffering and regret.