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Cão sem duas patas ganha 'cadeira de rodas'

Um cão que nasceu sem as patas dianteiras ganhou uma "cadeira de rodas" para conseguir se locomover.

A ideia partiu do dono do cachorro, Avi Kozi, que adotou o animal quando soube que ele seria sacrificado pelos proprietários originais.

Kozi, que é diretor da Sociedade Protetora dos Animais de Israel, disse que esperou o primeiro ano para ver se o cão, Hoopa, aprenderia a andar usando apenas as patas traseiras, o que não ocorreu.

Por isso, encomendou a "cadeira de rodas".

Agora, ele aguarda a fabricação de uma prótese que deve ajudar Hoopa a se sentar e a se levantar sozinho.

Fonte: BBC Brasil

Hero Mother

Hua Hua - Hero Mother

Hua Hua was a street dog who temporarily lived in a park along the Changbin Road in the southwestern city. Every day, Hua Hua jumps down to the flooded Yangtze River, swims more than two kilometers to an isolated island. Then she comes back to find herself some food. Hua Hua fulfills this procedure twice a day, and she has never stopped during the past half month.

Huang Pinghui, a swimmer and Tai Chi devotee, who does morning exercise every day, disclosed Hua Hua's secret. Last Friday, when Huang was doing his routine exercise of swimming across the Yangtze River, Huang took a rest at an island called Shanhuba (meaning Carol Dam) by the locals. Since the Yangtze River flooded last month, the island was isolated by water, thus becoming rest land for many swimmers like Huang. On this no man's land, Huang Pinghui surprisingly found four new born dog cubs, only around 10-day's old.

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A Rare Breed of Love: The True Story of Baby and the Mission She Inspired to Help Dogs Everywhere

A-Rare-Breed-of-LoveA-Rare-Breed-of-LoveWhen you meet Baby, the first thing you notice is her limp. She only has three legs, you see -- she lost one following years of mistreatment at a puppy mill. But spend a little more time with Baby and her irrepressible "Ma," Jana Kohl, and you'll hear the story of how this gentle creature has gone from puppy-mill victim to celebrity "spokesdog" -- hobnobbing with celebrities, lobbying politicians, and inspiring an entire movement to end the kind of animal abuse she suffered for so many years.

As part of a campaign to stop puppy mills, then-Senator Barack Obama posed at the Lincoln Memorial with Baby, a poodle who survived a puppy mill but lost one of her legs from the ordeal. The image will appear in the upcoming book, "A Rare Breed of Love" by Jana Kohl.

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Bolo Canino



370 g de alimento canino em lata
1 xícara de farinha
1 1/2 colher de fermento
1/2 kg de fígado de boi
2 ovos, separadas as claras e gemas
340 g de queijo cremoso suave
biscoitos caninos para decorar


Pré-aqueça o forno a 350 graus e unte com manteiga uma fôrma de bolo redonda, média.
Ferva o fígado em um pouco de água, até estar cozido. Deixe esfriar e liqüidifique até que ele se torne uma pasta macia.
Misture com a comida de cachorro enlatada,a farinha, ovos mexendo muito bem.
Bata as claras em neve com o fermento e junte a massa, bem suavemente, para que as claras fiquem aparentes.
Asse por 35 a 45 minutos ou até que furando a massa com um palito, este saia seco.
Espere esfriar e cubra com o queijo cremoso. Decore com biscoitos caninos e sirva.
Recomenda-se a utilização de variedades de queijo cremoso com baixo teor de gordura. A maioria dos cachorros não tem problemas com esta receita, mas podem ter alguma desordem gastro-intestinal.

Author: Kate San Costa

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Talking about: Wheelchairs give disabled dogs a second chance

With some dogs, it's always a toss-up as to who is "master" of whom, and whether the dog is man's best friend or vice versa.

Our blue Doberman, Buddha, was on of those incredibly self-possessed beings who always took the attitude that eventually she would get her humans fully trained. She was a working dog, a companion and guard dog while Eddie, my husband, was a field service engineer, and covered a territory that included southern New England and New York. Buddha had her favorite pit stops and nudged him at mealtimes when they'd pass the golden arches.

Read More: Couple gives disabled dogs a second chance with specialized wheelchairs