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Talking about Solar Mythology and the Jesus Story

In ancient times people were very familiar with the Sun and the stars. At night they had nothing better to do than gaze up at the stars. They saw how the stars move across the sky during the night, and how different constellations are visible at different times of the year.

They made up stories which were allegories based on what they saw. Later on, these stories took on a life of their own, as the stories were passed down from generation to generation but the knowledge of what the stories represented was lost. People started believing the stories were real and actual history of events that actually really happened in the past, when originally the stories were nothing more than allegories for what people saw happening in the stars.

The ancients looked to the sky to determine what time of year it was. It was important to know what time of year it was. You needed to know when it was time to plant crops and when it was time to harvest the crops. As the year passed the Sun appears to make a journey through the constellations of the Zodiac. The entire story of Jesus’ ministry is an allegory for this journey. [more]

“The name of Bishops, retained to this day,—the Episcopacy, the Diocese, the See, are all derived from that function of seeing, or looking out, to observe the phenomena of the visible heavens, which was their appointed duty.”

Estória: http://members.cox.net/deleyd/religion/index.htm

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